Problem with commands one after another, and columns

Thanks Kundal, agreed and working. Please ignore the specific feature request about columns in the very first post.

This is exactly what I meant.

I fully understand what you are saying. And I agree it is preferable (and simpler) most of the time.

However sometimes it is not -- occasionally, I would still like to create a command/string of commands along the idea of a 'macro'.

In line with the philosophy of Dopus and as stated before, for some users it is sometimes more practical/intuitive to work in this way, especially whilst in the process of learning the commands and scripting possibilities.

But most importantly, it may be the only way!

For example, few months ago (when I was completely new to Dopus and even basic scripting) I wanted to be able to r-click on a folder to create a new file WITHIN it.

(see last post) (How to Create New/Empty Files)
[url]How to Create New/Empty Files]

Kundal's fine suggestion for text files worked only because Notepad/Emeditor apps themselves, prompt for a new file if it doesn't exist.

But I just thought of a solution, for all filetypes. (Add it to the context menu of 'All folders')

@nofilenamequoting @firstfileonly Filetype NEW={dlgchoose|Filetype:|Text=.txt+Word-Document=.docx+Excel-Document=.xlsx} NEWNAME="norename:{dlgstring|Filename:|}" Copy Move "{$newfile}" TO "{filepath}" @confirm:Open now for editing? "{filepath}{$newfile}"

The "problem" is the fifth line written in bold, ie. ideally it shouldn't be necessary.

But it doesn't matter, so "scripting the user interface" is an acceptable solution because the command works perfectly. Please give me the choice! After all this is Dopus :slight_smile:

Quoting the Opus manual:


Personally I've never had this problem. Other 'macro' type programs are infinitely more inferior. This is why I chose Opus. But this could be addressed by a command modifier. How about something like


which would disable any mouse input for entire duration of the command/button (or only respond to Esc key)

or one that would only act until the very next command, similar in idea to @runonce

Not my opinion! Is flat view also messy?

Finally, the point I would make is that Opus' strength lies in its versatility. It allows people to be inventive. That's why we have the discussion and share ideas. Often the same thing can be performed in multiple ways. This is the beauty of it.

When things do not work, we come up with alternatives ONLY if necessary,

But it is better to have many ways to experiment, than for particular users (of any knowledge level) not being able to come up with something that suits him/her.

And especially, if the features are easily implemented??

To resummarize:

  1. Dopus to wait until the 'Find' command has finished and populated the results, then executing the next line. eg. something like this to work:

Find *.wav IN "D:\samples" CLEAR SHOWRESULTS=tab COLLNAME=TEST Go coll://TEST

  1. @disablemousekeyinput (except Esc key)

Fail-safe mechanism!

Any feedback greatly appreciated :slight_smile: