Problem with CREATEFOLDER in Copy ARCHIVE command

I want to specify the name for the final file in the command

Copy ARCHIVE=single HERE FILE="{$extract_dir}" CREATEFOLDER="{$final_file}2.cbz"

The FILE option works fine and it take the source directory for the compression
BUT it always generate a file with the name of the directory + .zip
I would like to do differently. I want to indicate the file name and extension.
I tried even not using variables

but nothing happen. I may be using wrong option.
May be there is no option to generate a file with an different extension than .zip
In this case I will have to rename it.

The type is determined by the ARCHIVE argument, e.g.:

Copy ARCHIVE=.rar


My first point is to make an archive with a name different from the source directory.

My second point, supposing we can have the first one, I want a ZIP type but with .cbz extension

If you add .cbz to the list of zip file extensions in Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Zip Files then Opus will accept that as the suffix when creating the new archive.

I insert .cbz in the exxtension.
but when click apply or ok this selection disappear

I don't understand

Same issue here. Can enter other file types, but not .cbz

Ah, you also have to turn off .cbz on the Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Archive and VFS Plugins page (to stop it being handled by the plugin).

Not sure if there are any other ramifications of doing that, @Leo would know more.

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OK I see.
As you say I have to explore it more. Because we probably will loose plugin functionalities.
Thank anyway.

Best to keep the plugin turned on and not add the extension to the list of zip extensions.

At the moment, the plugin lets you modify cbz archives but not create new ones. That was done to avoid spamming the drop-down list of archive types with duplicate formats, but maybe it'd make more sense to reverse that decision, or allow them to be created but hide them from the list. I'll take a look when I have a moment.

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It might be easier to use 7zip directly, e.g.:

7z.exe a -tzip "D:\My New Folder\My Comics.cbz" D:\the\source\folder
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Next beta will let you do this to create a new CBZ archive:


(Note that CREATEFOLDER is ignored if you're specifying ARCHIVE=single or similar, since the single-file-per-item mode automatically names each archive after each item. But you don't even need that mode when creating just one archive as in this example.)