I'd like to fill another (semi) bug report The way long file paths are truncated for display makes it quite useles. I believe when you do not rely on it, it makes not much difference, but let me give you example when current approach sucks. I am now working on major update of some software and i decided to somehow branch the code. I got one lister, vertically divided, left one is new code base, right one is old code base. I go through each file, review each by each, copy or copy&edit etc. The "problem" is that paths are quite long, i.e new code is:
while old code stays in
The problem is for most of the case lister is not wide enough to fit it all and I see:
"C:\Users\Carlos\Desktop\Server-Mast...\Core" for right list, and
"C:\Users\Carlos\Desktop\Server-Mast...\Core" for left list.
Since I do not think there's generic smart approach that could be used here (I'd come with one for lister holding two lists but it's not universal way) therefore I would prefer some options to let me decide if I want truncating to occur on "last possible path segment" like it happens now, or on i.e. "first segments" so it would show "C:...\api\base\core\code\library\Core", which would simply make bigger use.