Problem with Folder Tree Sort

Please look at the attached screenshot and note that the sort of the "Tom" directory in the folder tree is different than the sort in the file display on the right side. On the right I am sorting by ext. Since my folders have a blank ext they are effectively sorted by alphabetically. I would like the folder tree to also be sorted alphabetically. Up until recently, I thought it was. I appear to have changed something. How can I change it back?


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I see the same sort-order in that part of the tree. It seems to only affect the special user profile section at the top of the tree in Vista. If you open up the real directory, C:\Users\Tom, in the tree you'll probably see the sorting is normal there (and everywhere else).

I'm not sure where the order Opus shows for the profile directory comes from. Explorer doesn't do the same thing so it's probably a bug. I've reported it to GPSoftware so they can take a look.


I can confirm that the real directory is sorted correctly in both views.

It was quite unnerving when I first noticed the problem. I thought that I had deleted my Documents folder. :open_mouth:

Thanks for reporting the problem.
