I've set folder option to hide by default hidden files.
Also I've added to a toolbar a button that help to see quickly files.
Here's the command:
So In order to see files, I have to push the button,
then re-push it again.
That's annoying.
What about a button that help directly to show hidden files (i.e pushed once) ? I tried the command "Set SHOWFILTERATTR h" but I didn't get the result I was expecting.
Presumably H is not the only attribute you're hiding by default?
When you click the button it will look at the hidden attributes and if they're the same as the argument (i.e. only H is being hidden) then it will turn them off.
If they are not the same (i.e. H isn't hidden or some other thing is being hidden) then they will be set the same (i.e. only H is now being hidden), which means you then have to press again.
If you want to hide Hidden-System files then there's a separate option for that which is independent of the attribute filter. You can turn that on, and then also hide Hidden files by default, and have two separate buttons which toggle the two types of files on and off with a single click.
thanks for your explanations.
I was not aware of that "separate option"
but nevertheless I found it.
I'm pretty sure the majority of people want to hide system file,
so why not enabling this by default ?
I don't know if it's clear-cut. I bet a lot of people who install an advanced file manager expect it to show them everything by default.
I do hide hidden-system files myself, mainly to remove the awful clutter in the root of C:, but I also have a toolbar button to turn them back on which I use frequently to see the full picture.
I'd much rather see everything by default and then, if I want to hide things, look for a way to hide stuff I'm less interested in. To me that is better than having things hidden by default when I might need to see them in a hurry but not know how to, or not even know they're being hidden or that the hiding is optional.
I can only speak for myself, though. I don't know for sure what other people want/expect in terms of hidden-system files.