I was trying to add a shell batch to a button that does various thing to automate my photo workflow and found out that substitution doesn't work with variables inside a FOR.
I've nailed down the thing to the following simple script (it can be simplified even more probably):
[code]@ECHO OFF
FOR /R %1 %%f IN (*.jpg) DO (
ECHO Processing file %%f
SET destfname=%%~nf
ECHO Filename %destfname%
If you run it from an XP shell, passing a directory with JPG files in it, it will correctlly display both the full filename (with the path) and the stripped filename (without the path).
If you run it from a Dopus button it just prints out the first, thus %%f reference works correctly but the reference with the substitution %%~nf doesnt work.
How are you running the batch file from the button? Is the batch file itself in an Opus button with MS-DOS Batch Mode set as the type or is the batch file saved somewhere as a .bat that you're running from an Opus button?
Originally it was a batch file saved somewhere, executed from a command with MS-DOS Batch Mode set and the command was assigned to a button.
I tried also running it directly as a batch file from the button and running directly the code (copy&pasted) from the button.
The result is always the same: the script outputs the results for the variable reference %%f but not for the other one %%~nf.
It's very easy to test it: just save the code to a .bat file, setup a button with MS-DOS Batch Mode set where you invoke the batch passing {sourcepath$} as the parameter. Then run the same batch in a shell passing a directory.