Purchased Dopus 10, didn't get a Program Certificate

I purchased a Dopus 10 upgrade (Order AC1638654132432) online on 6/30/10 using my Amazon.com Chase credit card. Shortly after the attempted purchase, I received a phone call from the Chase fraud group asking if this was a valid purchase. I said yes, and they said to make the purchase again. I didn’t want to make two purchases, so decided to wait for my next statement before continuing. I’m currently using an evaluation code which expires on 9/2/11

I just received my Amazon.com statement, and it indicates a payment was made on 7/01 to GP Software Ashgrove for $129.98USD, with an exchange conversion of $120x1.077

I tried Lost Registration Retrieval, but was unsuccessful. I also went to Support, but without a certificate I could not sent a message.


Thanks, Leo
I didn't expect an immediate response; thought I had a glitch on my original email, and resubmitted.

Check your spam folders in case your email software decided the certificate looked like spam.

If the bank told you to make the purchase again, but also charged your account, it sounds like the error may be with the bank. But it's certainly worth checking what things look like on the GPSoftware side first, in case the transaction did go through to them.

Evaluation certificates should work with the Support form, as long as they haven't expired and you enter the same email address you used to get the certificate.

You can contact GPSoftware via email if the Support form isn't working.