Question for nudel

Hi nudel,

In this thread [url]Winamp INSIDE Opus] you say, "Do you mean you want to create a .m3u playlist file out of the selected music files? If so I think I've got a button at home that I can post later on." I would greatly appreciate it if you could post this button if you have it.


Hello ,

I don't mean to interupt here, but you could use this MS-DOS
Batch Function:

echo {o} >> "{sourcepath}playlist.m3u"

This would append selections to the playlist each time the button is pressed.

:opusicon: Porcupine

Thanks porcupine that could come in handy for adding to a m3u but not what i want to create one.

I have this so far.
Clipboard PASTE
Rename FROM "Clipboard Text.txt" TO "Clipboard Text.m3u"
Rename INLINE=name "Clipboard Text.m3u"

This works except the last rename function opens the rename dialog instead of just highlighting the filename in the lister with the name part ready for editing. Anyone know how to make it do this instead of opening the rename dialog?


This button will automatically select all MP3, OGG, FLAC and AAC files (add extensions as you wish) while deselecting all others, then it creates an M3U file with the same name as the parent folder.

The M3U file starts with "#EXTM3U" as well.

To create the button: Copy the full XML below to your cliboard, enter Customize mode in Opus, right-click an empty space on a toolbar and select Paste.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both"> <label>Create M3U</label> <icon1>48</icon1> <function type="batch"> <instruction>@NOFILENAMEQUOTING</instruction> <instruction>@RUNMODE HIDE</instruction> <instruction>Select PATTERN *.(mp3|ogg|flac|aac|wma) DESELECTNOMATCH</instruction> <instruction>Echo #EXTM3U&gt;&quot;{sourcepath$|nopath|noterm}.m3u&quot;</instruction> <instruction>Echo {file$}&gt;&gt;&quot;{sourcepath$|nopath|noterm}.m3u&quot;</instruction> </function> </button>

Edit: Updated to work with Opus

Not sure if it's due to a phpBB error, but nudel's button doesn't work as intended. After a bit of playing around, I edited the button in the Dopus command editor to...:

Select PATTERN *.(mp3|ogg|flac|aac) DESELECTNOMATCH
Echo #EXTM3U>""{sourcepath$|nopath|noterm}.m3u"
Echo {file$}>>""{sourcepath$|nopath|noterm}.m3u"

...which seems to work.

I just referred to this older post in answer to a related question from another user...

There was no error or anything like that in Nudel's original reply. If you simply copy the 'code' content from his reply to your clipboard, you can then just:

  • click the right mouse button on any toolbar and select 'Customize' mode
  • click right mouse button again on some empty toolbar space and select 'paste'

Doing so will add the 'code' directly into an automatically created new button as detailed in the How to add buttons from this forum to your toolbars thread...

djuhn had probably manually created a new button on a toolbar first, and then tried pasting all the button 'code' from Nudel's reply into the button as 'commands' for that manually created button to run which would surely result in some rubbish...

All the "xml version" etc etc text in Nudel's reply creates the button for you... It's a nifty little shortcut in Opus to use text from someones toolbar config file that will not only provide you with the commands a button should run to do what you want it to do, but also create that button for you with a name/label and icon and everything all in one shot just by c'pasting' all the text directly onto the toolbar while in customize mode...