Questions about language files

I have two questions about language files and one about the manual.

  1. When I switch to English and then back to German all my changes of the files of /dodpusdata\Buttons are lost. This happened two times in the past and I was very furious because I haven't updated the "Menu.dop" and "Configurations.dop" yet. Now I'm cleverer and it doesn't happen to me any more. Is it possible to choose when you switch to another language to count the .dop files out and to change the language of the menu windows (Settings, Folder Options, File Types...) only?

  2. My second question is if you can change the translation of Directory Opus from .dll files to .lng files.
    Everybody could translate it to his own language. So it has the longer reach and Directory Opus can start its triumphal procession worldwide. :1st_place_medal: :heavy_dollar_sign: But I know that it is already translated in twenty languages.
    You could develop a translation tool like this one:

And of course it's still a lot of work. More than 6000 strings had to be translated by this Interface Translation tool.

  1. And I would like to ask if you know why your German distributor Haage & Partner hasn't updated the manual of DOpus since version 10 of the year 2012? In addition to, the version 10 manual is spare and has many gaps. Maybe these guys @tbone and @kundal I've seen at the German DOpus Forum and here know more about it. And the translator Markus Nerding.

Thanks for answering! :bouquet:

Please stick to using a single forum account. It makes it hard to go back and crossreference other posts (e.g. to find out if you're using a particular script or setting mentioned in the past) if the posts are spread across three accounts, and it also confuses the front page when you reply to a thread create by of your accounts from another.

You can access the forum from the same account and multiple computers so there's no need to make more than one account.

We may merge all the accounts together at some point, if it becomes a problem, but if you can stick to using your main account then that won't be an issue.

Moving on to your questions:

  1. Changes to toolbars should be left as-is, other than the labels for commands which the translation process recognises (i.e. ones from the default toolbars), where it will translate the labels into the new language. If you don't want even that to happen, make copies of your toolbars with different names to the default toolbars.

  2. If you want to translate Opus into a new language, just let us know and we can make you part of the translation process. We won't be changing the file formats we use.

  3. You would have to ask them that. They have their own forum.

  1. Yes, this is a solution.

No, there's no language I could translate to. But it would be nice if I could change some parts of the German translation personally just because I like it better another way.

  1. I called them up, but they didn't pick up the phone. So you are not able to give them a mighty kick in the arse (or ass)? Well, then I'll have to do it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rage: