Questions about USB version of DO

Hi !

I'm quite interested by Directory Opus, of course, and i have discovered the very nice USB version of the program.

I still have questions for which i have not found perfect answers

Imagine I go in a friend's home for holidays. I want to use my DOpus on his computer. I put my USB key in his computer and then :

  • will i have access to absolutely ALL the features i could have on a usual desktop installation ? camera raw format supports, hotkeys, windows explorer replacement ? (of course when i talk about hotkeys, i talk about hotkeys configured on the USB key)

  • do i need an internet connection when i use the usb key ?

  • what is the size of the usb key needed to install DOpus ?


Explorer Replacement requires registry changes and so doesn't happen in USB mode (since USB mode aims not to modify the machine in any way).

Some of the plugins still don't support USB mode either, including the RAW plugin, but I will be updating them over the next few weeks and it might be possible to manually copy them to the USB stick to make them work.

Everything else should work as far as I know.


Not much, given the size of memory cards these days. Opus typically takes up about 10meg of space when exported to USB so you probably won't notice its there.

Thanks for your answer !