Queued command plug-in development - alpha testers needed

I am developing a plug-in to do command queuing. Basically instead of instantly running a command, the command is sent to a queue. Commands in the queue are executed in sequence.

The idea is that often operations are much slower than humans. For example, you might want to copy a load of files, delete the directory they were in, move another load and then copy the whole lot to a USB stick. For big files, each move or copy operation could take some time to complete, meaning you have to wait each time. With a queue, you could queue each action to run one after the other and then get on with something else while the disk thrashes.

The plug-in is currently in alpha state. Queues work correctly. I have not yet implemented actions though, and the UI needs work. I need alpha testers running Vista x86 and x64 (I run XP x64 and x86 myself). To qualify you need to be highly computer literate and a seasoned Opus user. I realise that probably means are are not running Vista :slight_smile:

Alpha testers will get a free copy of the completed plug-in. I intend to charge for it, but have not decided on a price.

I also need to decide how I will implement actions. Using Opus commands would be preferable, except that they have an annoying tendency to pop up right in the middle of your lister, blocking your view and further actions. I am open to suggestions.

Intriguing... but no Vista here :wink:. Good luck...


I'm new around, but I'm using DOpus since Amiga times :sunglasses: if you still need someone to test your plugin under MS Vista, I think I can help. I'm currently running Vista Home Premium.

I already have someone for Vista x86. Is your 32 or 64 bit?

32 bit

Ah, okay, well thanks anyway.


I run Vista x64 Premium
I have used Dopus for 5 years.

If you are interested?


Thanks but I have all the testers I need now.