Quick Help with Regex Rename Script

I have a script that I want to use to format the following text:

My name is John Q. Smith- Jones.txt -> My name is John Q. Smith-Jones.txt

This is the code I have cobbled together. The part that's in bold are the Old Name New Name regex that works when directly doing a regex rename in Dopus, but the same regex doesn;'t work in my script. I can't figure out why.

'Fix hyphen following any character
regex.Pattern = "b(\w)- (\w)(.*)[/b]"
strNameOnly = regex.Replace(strNameOnly, "\1\2 - \3\4"

[code]@script vbscript
option explicit

Function Rename_GetNewName ( strFileName, strFullPath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName )

Dim regex
Dim strWordArray
Dim strExtension
Dim strNameOnly

'Create a RegExp object. See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms974570.aspx
Set regex = new RegExp
regex.IgnoreCase = True ' Case-insensitive matching.
regex.Global = True ' All matches will be replaced, not just the first match.

'If we're renaming a file then remove the extension from the end and save it for later.
if fIsFolder or 0 = InStr(strFileName,"") then
	strExtension = ""
	strNameOnly = strFileName
	strExtension = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName)-(InStrRev(strFileName,".")-1))
	strNameOnly = Left(strFileName, InStrRev(strFileName,".")-1)
end if

'Fix hyphen following any character
regex.Pattern = "(.)(\w)- (\w)(.)"
strNameOnly = regex.Replace(strNameOnly, "\1\2 - \3\4"

' Rejoin the name and extension (to lower case) and we're finished
strNewName = strNameOnly & LCase(strExtension)[/code]

End Function

Can anyone help? I'm sure it's obvious but I am still struggling to learn Regex as a non-programmer. I'm a network guy, LOL.

Sarasota, FL

Regex replacement strings use $1, $2, etc. in VBScript instead of the \1, \2, etc. used in Opus.

Script to perform multiple Regular Expressions has some examples.

Yup. That did it.

Thank you for the very quick reply and the pointer to the other thread. Very clear, even for me.
