Quick question about ordering of commands


I'm trying to get Fluent Search to open file items in dopus. Here was the previous way i was doing this:

/cmd Go NEW PATH="%1"

I've decided I'd like to open it in a new tab on the left but not to reuse that tab (i.e. keep opening new tabs). I've tried a few different variations on this, and it will open it in a new tab, but in whatever side (left or right) i was using previously. It will also reuse that tab. I suspect I have the ordering of arguments wrong so I thought i'd ask. Does this look right?

"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Go NEWTAB=tofront PATH="%1" OPENINLEFT

thank you!

That looks correct, and works if I run it directly in Opus:


Each time I run that command from the right side, a new tab for C:\ opens in the left side.

One thing I would change in your dopusrt.exe command is using /acmd instead of /cmd. That will find the last active window instead of the source window, which is sometimes better.