QuickFilter Special Characters

I have a QuickFilter that only shows files starting with a number:

Set QUICKFILTER (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)

I would like to have a similar QuickFilter that only shows files starting with a special character:

Set QUICKFILTER (~|`|!|@|#|$|*|(|{)

The above does not work. I've also tried adding ' in front of the characters, but no luck.

Any ideas?

I think some of those characters can't even be used in a filename or folder name. See this site:


It should work with ' in front of the characters which are wildcard characters. Note that * is not a valid filename character so you can leave this out entirely.

Set QUICKFILTER ('~|`|!|@|'#|$|'(|{)

Note that this (and your example with the numbers) will only work properly if Preferences / File Displays / FAYT and Filter Bar Options / Partial matching is turned on. If not, you'd need to add a * character at the end, e.g.:

Set QUICKFILTER ('~|`|!|@|'#|$|'(|{)*

Thanks gentlemen!