
Up front: I have nót yet installed Opus 11 beta: prefer to wait for a litle longer.

Have looked at a tool named QuickJump and it looks like something I could use.
It even works when saving files from within (e.g.) Word.
Am still considering though...

Wondering - does v11 provide similar features?
Or maybe it is planned?
Obviously it would be a waste of money should the final v11 offer something similar.
(also - see brief video on the overview page of QuickJump)


Please describe the feature/functionality you're looking for.

It's really vague to say "go research what this other app you've never heard of does, and copy that". It's time consuming, and we may look at the overview of it and get a different idea of what it does or how it works to what you had in mind for a particular piece of functionality and how it would work within Opus.

techhit.com/QuickJump/open_n ... lders.html

Looks like a REALLY light version of Listary.

My suggestion to check out the site of the quickjump tool is that trying to explain in detail what looks appealing to me of this tool, likely may take more time for me (to formulate things in an understable way so avoid misunderstandings) and for you to read it all.

Anyway the rough idea is to be able to open Open Windows folders with just entering parts of the foldername, which also goes for "File Open", "Save As" and "Browse for Folder".

Again, I haven't bought or tried the tool. It looks nice to me.
But before buying it, it seems to me to better to first check if something similar is planned for Opus 11.
Surely you understand.


No, nothing like that is planned.

Also brought up recently as well: Cause opus to open as app "open new" file browser

Ya know, outside of the open/save replacement or patching aspect of things... if normal Opus facilities to get to folders quickly (favorites, aliases, buttons and hotkeys, etc) don't meet everyones needs, I wonder if some use of query search can give you folder name search results. It's pretty damn fast in searching the index... though I've never spent more than 5 seconds looking at the query syntax, which I'd consider to be a PITA to have to include every time.

But if you were able to hit a hotkey to take you to a stored query to show all folders or something, then just started using a FAYT filter to refine the results in the lister the same as is basically shown in the video for this app; you could write a script or maybe even an @ifpath button or something to modify the behavior of if you wanted so that after you it Enter on the folder your FAYT refinement places you on, it could both take you to that directory as well as copy it's path to the clipboard. I dunno... something like that for just the 'quick access' aspect of these tools (within Opus anyway).

For instance, say you create a Stored Query set to query on kind:folders) and a layout (sized kind of small, minimal columns) both called "Query-Folders"... minimal toolbars, no folder tree, opening to the query collection folder.

You could then bind a GLOBAL Opus hotkey to run:

Prefs LAYOUT="Query-Folders"

This would very quickly show you a lister with all the folder names in the paths you add to the query search, then let you do a Filterbar or FAYT refinement to the list to get at what you want.

From there, there's tons of value to be had in the enhancements in Opus 11. Maybe you have a script to respond to OnDoubleClick events, such that when the lister title is something you set in the layout (again, say "Query-Folders") then double-clicking the folder you want copies it's path to the clipboard for easy pasting into an open/save dialog i naddition to whatever else yo uwant to happen that can be scripted. Or something similar for hotkey based on either an @ifset check for that lister title, or an @ifpath check for the query folder.

Even further, maybe there's some use of AutoHotkey that could find that open/save window for you and paste it into the field for you...

If anyones interested in this sort of thing, I'm willing to work on it.

@Jon: if there are any takers... any way we could get the ability to have either the Filterbar or FAYT turned on in a layout, with focus placed on the field for immediate typing?

@steje Sorry for the late reply.
Thanks for your input. Actually jon already replied: currently no such thing is available/or being planned. From what I understand from Leo in the other thread such topic such File open /save dialog replacements may cause some problems, making me to hesitate a little with regards to this QuickJump tool.
Also because I am using a different tool, but it helps finding the right files and folders, viz. Everything Search.
I agree, it is totally different from QuickJump, but nonetheless, if you are unsure where to find which folders that you have been using the last time, well, this tool is unbelievably fast. Regretfully Opus natively does not have this feature.

You only really made one comment about what this tool does that you found useful after after suggesting GPSoft go look at the tools video :slight_smile::

So, I looked at the tool... and saw that it seems to require that when an Open/Save dialog is open - you press a hotkey in order to invloke it's ~quick search interface to find a folder quickly, but then ~seemed to automatically insert the folder path you select into the Open/Save dialog. Pressing the hotkey and allowing you to quickly search folders is not a dirty hack, but hooking into the dialog to AUTO-insert the path you selected int the tools interface ~could be.

That's why I said, outside of the actual Open/Save "replacement" aspect of things, there still may be a way to use Opus to help make this sort of thing easier or faster for those interested.

When an Open/Save dialog is open... hitting a hotkey that is defined in Opus as being global / system-wide is totally legit and is not a hack (same as this tool you mentioned so far). From there, I don't know if that tool relies on Windows search index for fast lookups, or works like some other tools where it's limiting folder names being ~searched based on some sort of ~recent list.

That said, my point was that the Windows Search Index is in fact pretty fast...

I created a Stored Query in Opus for "kind:folders" - which Opus then saves as a special type of file collection. I then saved that folder opened as the only tab in a lister, sized it way down to take up a dialog-like amount of screen space, turned off ALL toolbars and then saved that as a lister layout. When loaded by a hotkey, that lister will then show a pretty fast index search of ALL folders on the system within scope of the query search (which can be everything on the system, or certain parent folder paths you know you only work with often to increase speed, etc). We then also have ways in v11 of modifying what mouse-clicks or key presses do based on a number of criteria. For instance, if I save that layout I mentioned as Query-Folders, we can then also write a fairly basic script so that double-clicking on the folder you want does something like:

  • copy that full folder path to the clipboard
  • actually CLOSE the lister that we opened automatically to view and select the folders

That seems to be the GUTS of what tools like this help users to make shorter work of then BROWSING using the clunky Open/Save dialogs... and the only thing you need to do then is paste the path into the apps Open/Save dialog, which doesn't involve any of the potentially problematic programatic hackery that some of these tools bring into the picture.

Not trying to convince you... just saying that such an approach is easily done in Opus and may be of value to people.

Note: opening the stored query layout is easy... I left out in my description above that you'd want to then hit the "" in order to open the Filterbar so that when you start typing charecters (just like the tool you mentioned) the folders shown in the lister then change to only those that match the filter. Behaviorally the same as that QuickJump (and others) app... but it might be interesting if GPsoft could provide a way to save the Filterbar already opened in the layout as well as have it have default focus (just saves from having to remember to hit "" first - but which I think is till useful for the sake of speed and muscle memory stuff).

Opening up this old topic again.

I'm using QuickJump (Quickly navigate or open the right Windows folder with QuickJump) with DO for a few months now. I'm also using the counterpart SimplyFile (AI-powered email filing and organization for Microsoft Outlook - SimplyFile.) with Outlook. In fact: we were looking for a tool like SimplyFile, and learned about QuickJump in the process.

In short: both tools save me at least 1 working hour a day, if not more.

Unsure if DO offers a way around QuickJump, but I can 100% and wholeheartedly recommend these two tools.

I use Quick Access Popup by @jnllnd (Jean Lalonde). It's not quite the same thing, but it's pretty handy:


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QuickJump is nice, but (regretfully) costs $ 36 per year.
Whilst not being entirely the same, I am using Everything to quickly find folders / files anywhere on the system based on partial names.

As for QAP (QuickAccessPopup), nice tool. Just installed the free trial, to see what it is doing.

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If you have questions about QAP, @jnllnd is the developer and he can help you out.

If you look in QAP's Options, you'll notice he added DOpus integration, which can be useful.

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