Is there a way to get the 'copy' command to NOT put up the status pop-up? I've got a button that uses 'copy' to unzip a file and then delete it. If I select a bunch of files and click this button, I get a pop-up that steals focus each time a new file is unzipped. If I happen to be doing something else and press Enter or the space bar, it aborts the copy. Unfortunately, it does not abort the delete operation that follows.
Several months ago I complained about the greedy pop-ups stealing focus and also having the abort button pre-selected. At this point I'd love to have a way to eliminate the problem entirely by getting rid of the pop-ups. As it stands, I can select a large number of zips for processing by this custom button, but I'm unable to do anything else on the system because these status windows pop up every few seconds. It rather defeats the purpose of being able to batch the job. Please tell me there's a way to get rid of the pop-ups.
What is it that is causing the dialog to appear? Are there existing files/read-only files or something present with the same name as files being extracted? I tried your command with three zip files selected and got no dialog... what's the dialog screenshot?
The extract will show a progress dialog if it runs for long enough (or if you disable the delay before progress dialogs are displayed).
There's something strange that happens with the extract command, though. Sometimes it shows an overall progress dialog for all of the files (which it should, and I think would solve Patch's problem) but sometimes it displays a single progress dialog for each file, closing and opening progress dialogs between each extraction (which is bad).
I'm not sure what's going on but I made a video of it and sent it to GPSoft for investigation.
Maybe a general @noprogress directive would also be useful? I haven't filed a request for that but I guess it could come in handy, especially for scheduled commands and things like that.
Agree... such an option would be useful when you have batch stuff you really want to run silently. And yeah... I was testing with tiny zip fies of just a few files each, and normally have IZarc run my extracts.
I hate to resurrect a truly ancient thread, but here it is seven years later and I'm again running into the exact same situation. I'm doing a long series of extract operations and can't find a way to keep the status pop-up from occasionally showing up and stealing focus. I've not yet upgraded to the new version, still using Any help on this would be appreciated.
Opus 11 has options (under Preferences / File Operations / Progress Indicators) to move all progress dialogs into a small strip that is part of the lister, without opening separate windows unless you click them for more details.
I did find after my last message that with the version I have I can change the status delay to a ridiculously long time and keep the pop-up from appearing. The new status indicators sound like a worthy addition.
The pop-up isn't the problem, in my case. Being able to abort, skip and such is great. The fact that it steals the focus from other programs is a problem. I was just unpacking 1000+ zip files, and the Progress Indicator kept stealing the focus while popping in and out. Is there a way to just make it NOT steal focus in 10.5?
I was talking about Opus 11, clarifying that the jobs bar can do some of the things you asked for ("Being able to abort, skip and such is great.") which I thought were reasons you were saying would make the jobs bar in Opus 11 a non-starter.
My "There's no way to change how progress dialogs work in Opus 10" was in reply to your "Is there a way to just make it NOT steal focus in 10.5?".