R-Click Context Menu

I'm attaching a screen shot to explain my problem. When I r-click on a name to copy it, I get this(screen shot). I don't want it to appear and I don't know how to fix it.

Maybe screenshot is missing from your post :slight_smile:

Drag & Drop an image into the post (where you type it)

I'm sending a screenshot to illustrate my issue. When I right-click on a name to copy it, this menu appears (screenshot). I would like to prevent this from happening and need assistance to resolve it.
Thank you,

There's still no screenshot.

Or paste clipboard with image. Both work.

That isn’t related to any right-click context menu.

You can turn it off via:

Preferences / File Operations / Renaming Files / Show control keys tooltip when holding Ctrl

And, since your first post was mentionning you were trying to copy the file name, I suspect you do that by entering rename mode (two single clicks or F2) to then try and copy (Ctrl-C).
There are simpler ways to do that, which shortcuts you'll find in the Edit menu : Ctrl-Shift-N for instance copies to the clipboard the names (no path) of the selected files. Ctrl-Shift-C same but with full path this time ...

Thanks to Leo I managed to hide this pop up. Thanks everybody who helped me!