Recently, I noticed Directory Opus was slowing down my works on the DAW Reaper.
With 2 or 3 DO windows opened, I start Reaper and 10-15 minutes later the app slows down.
I can see the difference when I open the render project window for the first time and open the same window 10 minutes later: the render window opens later (something like 3 seconds) and the more I work, the more the latency gets bigger.
When I kill Dopus.exe process, everything is back to normal.
I'm pretty sure it's related to DOpus because I did a few tests, like an entire day without DO, (can you imagine the pain ) and everything was fine with Reaper.
I also did a restore default configuration on DO and the same problem occurs.
I did not upgrade my hardware, all my storage disks are SSD, nothing else (no usb stick, external HDD, etc..) so I don't think it will be the R/W performance,
On Reaper, I tried with only 1 track and no FX used and the same problem occurs.
I can't tell when the problem started, I just noticed on a long day of work so I'm not sure if previous versions of DOpus gave the same problem.
What's the CPU, Network and Disk usage % like in Task Manager when Reaper starts to slow down?
If usage is high, which processes are they attributed to?
Check memory usage, too. If something is using or leaking a lot of memory then exiting a process might mean there's memory to spare again, at least until the usage/leak grows larger (depending on where it is). Opus won't usually use much memory (by modern standards) but certain things can increase the usage, and bugs in shell extensions can also allocate huge amounts of memory with any process they run inside. (We once saw a shell extension for a backup tool which leaked a gig of RAM if you went into a folder containing a file with the wrong extension...)
Have you tried asking the Reaper developers why their tool might slow down, or be influenced by a file manager running in the background? It's hard for us to guess why another program would even notice Opus, unless it was asking for a folder to be opened in a new Opus/Explorer window.
From now, I didn't notice a problem related to the RAM because both programs don't use a lot of memory and CPU (something around 2 to 10%). The CPU usage on Reaper is only high when rendering which is normal but DOpus doesn't show any abnormal memory or cpu use.
I have to contact Cockos' devs to talk about that because this kind of problem must be recent.
I'm just updating my problem with Directory Opus and Reaper:
I's been around 2 weeks I'm doing some tests and yet can't find the issue:
I also open a thread in Reaper's forum to ask if someone can help me and some people recommended me to install Process Explorer to find the resource which cause the problem.
I installed Process Explorer, launched it, opened Reaper, worked as usual and when I open Reaper's render settings dialogue, after a few minutes of editing audio files, the window takes time to display.
Process Explorer doesn't which resource/program/dll consume cpu when I launch the render settings window.
When I exit Directory Opus, Reaper is working great.
When I re-launch Directory Opus and work a few minutes, the problem still happens.
When I use Reaper without any plugin, a blank project with only one track enabled and want to launch the render settings dialogue after a few minutes, the problem backs again.
Now I don't use DOpus when I work, that's my only and temporary solution until someone can help me find out the problem.
That plugin would not do anything unless you had Opus looking at a folder containing music files that were being modified/created, in which case it might open them to read their tags and then close them.
Do you have Opus monitoring a folder of wav files that Reaper is modifying?
That's the only way I can see any of this mattering. Even then, Opus would just be opening the changed files very briefly every so often. If that causes Reaper to get slower and slower over time then it's an issue in Reaper.
You seem to be blaming/trying completely random things now. That setting only affects files double-clicked on FTP sites.
I'm less and less convinced Opus has any connection to the problem you're seeing, especially as there are posts about something similar happening to other people who aren't using Opus.
In any case, it's something only the Reaper developers can investigate and fix, since it's their code which is slowing down, not ours.
I mean having Opus displaying a folder with wav files.
But please move this question to Reaper support. Whatever is happening in Reaper, it's something only they can work out and resolve. We can't do anything about it, unless they come back with some information about what is making their program slow down.