Rearrange Lister and Folder Tree

I'm trying trial version of Opus. I have 2 lister and 2 folder tree. The yare arranged like Left-Tree/Left-Lister<>Right-Tree/Right-Lister.
I'm trying to move the Right-Tree to the right end so that the 2 listers goes in the middle. Left-Tree/Left-Lister<>Right-Lister/Right-Tree

I found a post which says I can edit Order.XML but I'm not sure how and not sure if it is related to my question.

There is only one situation where the tree will appear on the right of the file display it is connected to: If you're in dual-horizontal mode and only have the tree for the right file display turned on, it appears over there.

In all other cases, the tree will be to the left of its file display(s). (In a dual-display window, you can have a single tree shared by both file displays, or two trees with one for each display.)

I have file displays top and bottom, each with their own tree (on the left) and a toolbar between them. Is there any way for the toolbar to start between the trees and carry across between the file displays? As it is, it feels a little uneven with the top tree extending past the bottom of the top file display.

Are you going to consider this option as a future enhancement?

What’s the reason you need it to be on the right? It’s quite unusual (at least on Windows) so I’m wondering if it’s just personal preference or if there’s something else that means you need it there?