Recent list

I forgot the details, but wasn't there a plan to make sure items in the Recent list show abbreviated folder names? I just noticed that my Recent list still has the full folder paths in it for all folders that are part of a Library (even though I am not even accessing the folders through the Library path, but use the regular folder path on disk; so in my case I see stuff like "F:\UserData[i]UserName[/i]\My Documents\blahblah" in the Recent list, when all I want is "blahblah"). Can we get this fixed, please?

If you had two folders with the same names, how would you know which was which?

What real problem is it causing to have the full paths in the list?

[quote="leo"]If you had two folders with the same names, how would you know which was which?

How about a tooltip? In any case, currently Opus does abbreviate some paths, but not others. Not good.

I don't know. You tell me, you're the programming god, aren't you? :wink:
How would I be able to find out?

It's not causing me any problem at all.

What problem is it causing you? You're the one asking for the change. I'm asking what problem you're experiencing with the way things work currently and why you want it to be changed.

Ah, o.k., now I understand the question. Well, one of the issues is that, if I have Recent Folders in the jumplist, the folder names will be cut off (so all my folders will be listed as "F:\Userdata\Username\My Documents..."), and I won't be able to tell which is which. The same can happen with the Recent list in Opus' treeview, too.

And it looks ugly to have full path names intermixed with abbreviated paths.

Oh, we're talking about the jumplist? The recent list appears in lots of places so if you mean a particular one it's best to say.

When I add Recent Folders to my jumplist, only the names appear (full paths in a tooltip), so it looks like what you want is already how it works in at least.

What do you know, you're right! But, the treeview still shows the mix of abbreviated and full paths.

Right, now that I know where to look I see what you mean.

I think that is a bug. It's on the to-do list.


Sorry for warming this up again, but shouldn't the SmartFavorites be using abbreviated names as well? Because they don't...