Redesign the "Confirm replace dialog box"

I like the feature a lot but it could be improved.

  1. Make every function a button so the user does not need to look for it in submenus. Especially Auto-Rename which I use a lot.

  2. Make it theme aware in Windows XP so I don't have to look at the aweful green progress meter.

  3. Allow the icons to be turned off for the files being moved, it can eat up a lot of cpu when moving tons of little files.

  1. I don't think there's room to make every function a button, but more keyboard shortcuts would help and I believe have already been requested. (So you can hold Alt or whatever and click to auto-rename, like you can hold shift and click to Replace All, without using the drop-down.)

For 2 & 3 are you talking about the progress dialog rather than the Replace dialog?

In the Replace dialog the icon's only shown for the single file that is being replaced so CPU time doesn't seem like an issue and there's no progress bar anywhere.

In the progress dialog:

  1. The progress bar is theme enabled, isn't it? Where else would the green blocks come from?

  2. How do you know it's the icons eating up CPU? If it is them and it's a network drive, turning on generic icons for network drives may help. (Turning it on for all drives may be a way to confirm whether that's what's using the CPU.) If you're running Virtual PC or VMWare in the background they're a more likely candidate for heavy CPU usage while copying. Ditto if you're using default graphics drivers that don't use hardware acceleration, perhaps. Does the CPU usage go down if you switch to the small progress dialog?

[b]Well at least auto-rename should get it's own button. It's silly that it's hidden in the replace button drop down menu. I use it quite a bit. I really hate buttons that have drop down menus. There is plenty of space to create 7 buttons I would think.

  1. Rename

  2. Rename All

  3. Skip

  4. Skip All

  5. Replace

  6. Replace All

  7. Abort[/b]

Yeah I guess my Luna Element 3 theme does have a green progress bar, thought it was from Opus. :confused:

The icons are on the progress dialog and I just moved a bunch of files and it was changing them trying to keep up with the function and not able to. I don't think I need to see the icon for every file I move especially when moving 1000's of files.

The bolded idea is the one I find most important in day to day use of Opus.

and how about a "rename existing file and copy new one"
and a "unreg original, rename original, copy new and register it"

I do loads of dlls/ocx replacements and this would be very handy.