So I looked through the code and attempted to mount a network location to a drive letter. I then used this code:
function OnGetCopyQueueName(GetCopyQueueNameData)
var ReOps_dest = GetCopyQueueNameData.dest;
var ReOps_move = GetCopyQueueNameData.move;
if (Script.config["Debug"] == true) {
Log("Redo Operation (Debug)")
Log(" Redo Operation GetCopyQueueNameData.dest: " +GetCopyQueueNameData.dest)
Log(" Redo Operation DOpus.listers(0).activetab.path: " +DOpus.listers(0).activetab.path) // DOpus.Lister.activetab.path does not work?
if (String(DOpus.listers(0).activetab.path) == String(GetCopyQueueNameData.dest)) {
Log(" Redo Operation: GetCopyQueueNameData.dest and DOpus.listers(0).activetab.path Matches")
else {
Log(" Redo Operation: GetCopyQueueNameData.dest and DOpus.listers(0).activetab.path Does Not Match")
and the results were:
1/30/2017 7:25 PM Redo Operation: Redo Operation (Debug)
1/30/2017 7:25 PM Redo Operation: Redo Operation GetCopyQueueNameData.dest: Z:\
1/30/2017 7:25 PM Redo Operation: Redo Operation DOpus.listers(0).activetab.path: Z:\Documents
1/30/2017 7:25 PM Redo Operation: Redo Operation: GetCopyQueueNameData.dest and DOpus.listers(0).activetab.path Does Not Match
The results totally matched up if it's on local drives and network paths (UNC format) but once I mounted the server path to a drive letter, Z in this case, it does not work. OnGetCopyQueueName's destination only stored the root of the path contrary to the entire path when the destination is local or a UNC path.
In the mean time, please test out this work around and see how it works for you.
Updated script below is unnecessary. The problem has been fixed now with the new DOpus beta 12.3.4.
Redo_Operation.js.txt (10.0 KB)