Remove xx characters from filenames in an easy way?

Within the existing rename panel and having files with different filename lengths.

How to remove xx characters from the name counting from the last position?
e.g. remove 7 trailing characters, different, so find and replace does not work.

I know and meanwhile did : using regex.

However maybe something could be added in the rename GUI some time in future?
Something like the below, removing / adding characters at any place and add text. Just a suggestion.



Some colleague from this forum once provided me these two codes, which might be helpful:

[code]Rename TO="{DlgStringS|AN welcher Stelle soll von hinten etwas eingefügt werden ?\n\ndurch ein Komma getrennt\n\nWAS soll eingefügt werden ?|2,Neuer Text}" AUTORENAME

@script vbscript
option explicit

Function Rename_GetNewName ( strFileName, strFullPath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName )

Dim strNameOnly
Dim strExtension
Dim intComPos ' Location of the leftmost comma in dialog box entry
Dim strText ' Extracted Text from dialog box entry
Dim strCount ' Extracted number (of places from left) from dialog box entry

' If we're renaming a file then remove the extension from the end and save it for later.
if fIsFolder or 0 = InStr(strFileName,".") then
strExtension = ""
strNameOnly = strFileName
strExtension = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName)-(InStrRev(strFileName,".")-1))
strNameOnly = Left(strFileName, InStrRev(strFileName,".")-1)
end if

' Find the leftmost comma
intComPos = InStr(strNewName,",")
if intComPos > 0 then
strCount = Trim(Left(strNewName, intComPos-1))
strText = Right(strNewName,Len(strNewName)-intComPos)
end if

Dim I
Dim Dots
Dots = ""

if CInt(strCount) > 0 then
I = 1
While I < CInt(strCount)
Dots = "." & Dots
I = I+1
Dots = "(" & Dots & ")"
' Character position was not more than 0 - set LeftDots to an invalid value so rename fails
Dots = "(8SCaO4fOzy5hy4Fs2CxBGCPy6oAl2Hp988ZH9C3toox0HWlmOA)"
end if

Dim regex
' Create a RegExp object
Set regex = new RegExp
regex.Pattern = "(.*)" & Dots
strNameOnly = regex.Replace(strNameOnly, "$1" & strText & "$2") '
strNewName = strNameOnly & strExtension

End Function


[code]Rename TO="{DlgStringS|An welcher Stelle soll von hinten etwas entfernt werden ?\n\ndurch ein Komma getrennt\n\nWIEVIELE Stellen sollen entfernt werden ?|2,5}" AUTORENAME
@script vbscript
option explicit

Function Rename_GetNewName ( strFileName, strFullPath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName )

Dim strNameOnly
Dim strExtension
Dim intComPos ' Location of the leftmost comma in dialog box entry
Dim strLeftNum ' Extracted left number from dialog box entry
Dim strRightNum ' Extracted right number from dialog box entry

' If we're renaming a file then remove the extension from the end and save it for later.
if fIsFolder or 0 = InStr(strFileName,".") then
strExtension = ""
strNameOnly = strFileName
strExtension = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName)-(InStrRev(strFileName,".")-1))
strNameOnly = Left(strFileName, InStrRev(strFileName,".")-1)
end if

  ' Find the leftmost comma in dialog box entry

intComPos = InStr(strNewName,",")

' Extract the 2 numbers from dialog box entry
if intComPos > 0 then
strLeftNum = CInt(Trim(Left(strNewName, intComPos-1)))
strRightNum = CInt(Trim(Right(strNewName,Len(strNewName)-intComPos)))
end if

Dim I ' General counter variable
Dim LeftDots ' LeftDots will become the first RegEx tagged match
LeftDots = "" ' Set LeftDots to a null value to start

' Assemble LEFT regEx dots ----------------------------------------
if strLeftNum > 0 then
I = 1
While I < strLeftNum
LeftDots = "." & LeftDots
I = I+1
LeftDots = "(" & LeftDots & ")"
' Character position was not more than 0 - set LeftDots to an invalid value so rename fails
LeftDots = "(8SCaO4fOzy5hy4Fs2CxBGCPy6oAl2Hp988ZH9C3toox0HWlmOA)"
end if
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dim ExtractAmt ' ExtractAmt will be the number of characters to remove from the file name
ExtractAmt = strRightNum

' Assemble EXTRACTION dots ----------------------------------------
Dim ExtractDots ' ExtractDots will become the second RegEx tagged match
ExtractDots = "" ' Set ExtractDots to a null value to start
I = 0
if ExtractAmt > 0 then
While I < ExtractAmt
ExtractDots = "." & ExtractDots
I = I+1
ExtractDots = "(" & ExtractDots & ")"
' Amount to extract was not more than 0 - set ExtractDots to an invalid value so rename fails
ExtractDots = "(loY8TbEarTKFM5jKdd6pOoqAtm8ptx1zN2lx0ooB)"
end if
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dim regex
' Create a RegExp object
Set regex = new RegExp

'if fIsFolder = True then ' If it's a folder ---------------------------------------
regex.Pattern = "(.)" & ExtractDots & LeftDots
'else ' If it's a file -----------------------------------------
'regex.Pattern = LeftDots & ExtractDots & "(.
'end if

strNameOnly = regex.Replace(strNameOnly, "$1$3") '
strNewName = strNameOnly & strExtension

End Function

Oh, & yes, it's a good idea to have a function like this built into Dopus. Overread that aspect, sorry.

Thank you very much for the code. I will give it a try later.
In my case I could solve it with a regex. The suggestion I came up with offers some extra flexibility.
I guess there is some space in the rename panel to add it... :slight_smile:

Anyway, thanks again.


Macros let you do that.

Probably..., but that wasn't my suggestion

I'm not sure it could be easier than what is already possible:

If you really want to type in numbers instead, and find the various other ways to do that too complex, a script could add fields for removing X chars from the front and Y from the back. But I can't see many situations where that would be better than what the video shows.

Thanks for the video Leo. Got it.
Took some time to figure out how to get the names right aligned.
(double click the 'pencils')

Anyway, thanks again!


You can also push the End key twice. (Home key twice to return to being left-aligned.)