Rename in the background, using dopusrt.exe?

When i am using GeoTagger, it keeps making errors while trying to save the changes to the images. Obviously it temporarily renames the images to something like .jpg_exiftool_tmp, but then sometimes fails to rename them back to .jpg.

Following command, which does a rename with Opus running in the background comes very close, but i have to push the global trigger keys twice.

/home\dopusrt.exe /cmd select *.exif
Rename PATTERN *.exif to *.jpg

Rename *.*exif* to *.jpg

No need for dopusrt, nor select.

Even, when Opus is not the top window? I wanted to avoid changing tasks, since i have GeoSetter & the GPS track editor in front of Opus.

Then "/home" and "Rename" on its own would not have worked in the original command, and no path was specified for where the files are, so I assumed we were talking about running from inside of Opus, in a window which is already showing the folder with the files.

How are you going to run the command? A hotkey? Something within GeoTagger?

How should the command find the files? The last active lister's path? A fixed path? Something else?

Impressive. It works indeed. Thanks, Leo!

Well, i run it as a global command in Opus. I thought, dopusrt would be involved, as it is run from the "outside", but then again, it's a global hotkey, which explains it. Concerning the path, the last used window, from which i opened the editing session, should be active in the background, of course. Otherwise Opus would not know, where to look for the misnamed files. I guess, the EXIF tool is sometimes out of sync, so this things happen. Anyway, problem solved!

Makes sense. If the Rename command isn't given a full path and is run as a global hotkey, it will get the path from the last active lister, so that gets you what you want.