In the Advanced Renamer the option 'Rename matching filenames as one' is great when metadata from one file can be used to also rename a second file that does not contain that metadata. For example, the .heic pictures from iPhones often have .mov files next to them. With the mentioned option the datetaken property of the .heic can easily be used for both files.
But apparently this only works for files with extensions that succeed the original. At least this is what it looked like when I tried to include .aae files:
I guess this is caused by the sequential way the Adv. Renamer works.
Is there a way to include these extensions? I thought I could have a script handle this, but this case feels like a harder nut to crack.
It only works sequentially, which does make it a bit difficult when you have companion files both before and after, so you can't even reverse the sort to fix things. (Sorting by file type group might be a solution, but still isn't that great.)
It could definitely be improved, although it might be more complex than it first seems, since there might be some files with some metadata and not others (if multiple things are being requested) and then it's a question of which file to stop at... Hmm...
At least currently, the best bet for the situation in your screenshot might be to use scripting to look for the same name with your expected image extension(s) (if the file being renamed doesn't already have one) and then use that file's metadata to generate the name. It might be a bit slower (although you could cache things in a map, if the extra complexity is worth it; depends on the number of cases) but should work around the issue.
The problem in this case is that the metadata I use comes from a custom column, so it's not available outside the Adv. Renamer. Admittedly, this is a rare case and the .aae files are not that important anyway. I will simply rename them to .zae, let the script work and leave them like this. Should I ever need to use them I can manually rename them