Rename only works if I click "run" twice

Give this a try, changing the last line to run the rename preset you want:

function OnClick(clickData)
	// Change ".all" to ".files" if you only want files.
	var items = clickData.func.sourcetab.all;

	// If skipNext is true, will do even items. Else odd items.
	var skipNext = false;

	var cmd = clickData.func.command;
	cmd.deselect = false;

	for (var e = new Enumerator(items); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())
		if (skipNext)
			skipNext = false;
		skipNext = true;

	if (cmd.filecount == 0)
	cmd.RunCommand('Rename PRESET="presetX"');

Test on some backup files first, of course!

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