Having problems doing a simple rename > prefix in Opus 12 Pro (it worked fine in Opus 11). When inserting a prefix such as tbw- (see pic #1 below) and then clicking OK, Opus renames the files (as seen in pic #2 below).
Are you seeing that with 12.7 or an earlier version?
It looks like renaming through subdirectories is invovled. Would it be possible to upload a zip with folders and files that reproduce it? The files themselves can be empty, as long as the file and folder names are enough to reproduce the problem, in combination with the Rename dialog setup shown above.
A list of filepaths will do. I can turn that into files and folders.
To create that, go into flat view, then select everything and use Edit > Copy Full Pathnames, and paste the result into a lister (will create a text file with all the paths).