Ok, since WinXP - an application making sure it's window is on top upon launch seems to have gotten more difficult for some reason. Any number of my apps on Win7 sometimes just open up in the background. Araxis almost ALWAYS opens behind other open windows, and they've said they can't do anything about it. VERY IRRITATING. And I think somebody here on the forum just had something similar raised up - though maybe that's a layout settign thing or something.
At any rate... not sure if this is really in the same area of window mgmt disfunction, what I'm seeing isn't always happening - and when it DOES happen, it's usually when the system appears to be under relatively heavy load (in my case, when I'm ripping my CD's with EAC)... what I see when launching the advanced rename dialog (in general, but usually via the command: rename advanced preset=wildcard_cap_all) is:
...so, as you can see the 'progress dialog' from calling up the rename dialog is on top of the actual rename dialog. It's pretty annoying, but not sure if there's anything you can really do about it... though I'd certainly be a fan of simply not opening up the 'progress dialog' at ALL until you actually click the OK button or something.