Hmmmm... having a dense moment, and trying to do something I don't usually do and failing.
I've got SOME files in a folder (not all) that I want to rename without the rename dialog with the following sort of logic:
rename from *.jpg to pg[#].jpg number {RS|Specify starting number sequence...|001} the way I want it to (good), except for it renames ALL files in the folder instead of just those I've selected (bad)...
Omitting the FROM argument:
rename to pg[#].jpg number {RS|Specify starting number sequence...|001}
...only renames the files I've selected (good), but appends the TO# string to the original filename prefix. Not what I want (bad)...
I'm trying to use a RAW command with the {RS} dialog simply because it's a good deal easier for me to simply accept or modify the number string in the {RS} dialog using just the keyboard than to move and click the mouse into the related field in the advanced dialog. Using codes like {f} along with the rename command to try and restrict the rename to the selected files that way just calls up the dialog...