Renaming for moving to OneDrive


I am new to the renaming function

i wanted to bulk rename all my files in the documents folder so that it qualifies with the OneDrive standard.

So i would like all the below symbols removed from all folders and files:

, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, #, {, }, %, ~, &

and also a way for it to only show me files and folders when the below is true, so i can manully do things.

Folder name and file name combinations can have up to 250 characters. (so for it to show me files above 250)

Many Thanks

, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, | aren't valid within Windows filenames, so those won't need replacing as they can't exist already.

That just leaves #, {, }, %, ~, &

You can use a regular expression rename, like this, to convert those characters into underscores:

Old Name: ^(.*)#{}%~&$#
New Name: \1_\2

The Path Length column will tell you the total length of any file's path. That can be used with filters to highlight or show/hide/find files based on path lengths.