i would like to "compress" my listview to save horizontal space when doubleklick on a sort-border to auto extend to it's max size. For this i flagged the "hide extension in filename-colum" on the "directory-format" window (for me nothing is more bad than not see extensions )
Because this (and to be able to sort by extensions) i added a column "extensions".
in this constellation, it is not possible to edit the extensions even they are visible.
could you please make the extensions in the extension column editable?
maybe would be also nice same time to have a popup at the date column when click on a date showing a calendar to change the date directly to another (and should have a "set date to now" and a "start high end filedate editor" button too (I know, there is the "high end filedate-editor", but this would make an extra button unnessessary and is "intuitive/fast/more easy to find")
Would be nice to see these 2 features, at least the extension is verry important.
Thank you