Reoccurring hanging of DO on waking from sleep

I have hard time to reproduce it, but occasionally, after restoring my PC from sleep, DO just goes in slower responsive mode. A process check reports the following thread & stack hanging:

I'm opening up this issue just in case, as it might lead you to fix that bug. A similar thread seems to have been created before years: Opus opening after pc wakes from sleep

It might be related to that I also have an external HDD, physically attached non-stop. I don't use "Replace Explorer with DO" and the default Auto-Play setting is to do nothing.

I am having issues where Directory Opus 12.23 hangs / freezes (no response) occasionally on my new laptop. Killing the process and restarting Directory Opus does not help but lead again to a freeze.

So far I could not identify a cause for this behavior. My primary hypothesis was that the restored configuration backup from my desktop PC might have caused the trouble. However, initially after every reboot Directory Opus works fine. While reading this post I noticed that the problem likely occurs for me as well after the Laptop has been in sleep mode.

I am running DO on Windows 10:

Edition Windows 10 Enterprise
Version 20H2
Installed date ‎06.‎01.‎2021
Operating system build 19042.746
... (not sure how to translate the German "Leistung" in this context) Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0

I will try to investigate this issue further in the next days as it really breaks the efficiency of Directory Opus I got used to and do not want to miss.

If you take a process snapshot while it's hung and send it to us we can look to see if there are any clues as to what's happening.

I tried to deterministically reproduce this issue by just putting the laptop in sleep mode while Directory Opus is running, but this does not cause the freeze. I will try to make a process snapshot as soon as I encounter the issue the next time.

Thanks for sending the process snapshots and some additional information.

I'm copying the extra info here, to keep everything in one place:

The process snapshots show that Opus is hanging when it asks Windows which overlay icons should be displayed for a couple of paths, or items within them.

2021-01-19 16-26-25 Clipboard Image

2021-01-19 16-26-53 Clipboard Image

My guess is that the File Explorer hangs are the same issue.

The two paths involved are C:\ and the Desktop folder.

I would try disabling icon overlay shell extensions using ShellExView 64-bit, then rebooting to see if the problem comes back.

Also check if there are any icons on your desktop pointing to things which no longer exist, or which are on network drives that are not always accessible, or any special folders/icons for things like Cloud Storage or similar non-filesystem folders which might involve a shell extension.


Also check if there are any icons on your desktop pointing to things which no longer exist, or which are on network drives that are not always accessible, or any special folders/icons for things like Cloud Storage or similar non-filesystem folders which might involve a shell extension.

As far my case is concerned, I use only one USB external HDD, which I believe was in both times in the active or at least in a background tab - I have it mapped all the time. Then I have also Cloud storage folders (OneDrive + Dropbox), however they are almost never opened, Dropbox's root folder might have been visible tho.

If you send us some process snapshots we can see if it looks like the same underlying issue, or something else.

Thank you very much for the quick response and detailed answer - I am impressed by the support :slightly_smiling_face:.

This gives me a good chance of pinpointing the cause of the freezes. I will report here in case I find out the exact circumstances that lead to the freeze.

I have Icon Overlay Handlers for:

  • Adobe Core Sync (extension version; Adobe Core Sync seems to be part of the Adobe Cloud installation)
  • Boxcryptor (extension version 2.1.402.200; Boxcryptor client version 2.42.1333)
  • Nextcloud client (extension version 3,0,0,47; nextcloud client version 3.1.1)
  • Owncloud client (extension version 1,0,0,46; owncloud client 2.7.4 build 2934)
  • TortoiseSVN (extension version 1,1,4, 26626; seems to be the overlay handler for TortoiseGit as I am only using TortoiseGit and not TortoiseSVN; TortoiseGit version )
  • Synology Cloud Station Drive client (extension version, Synology Cloud Station Drive version 4.3.3-4469)
  • Norton Security (handler version

Extension version refers to what ShellExView displays for the Icon Overlay Handler's version.

I disabled them all in order to see whether the freezes will be gone. I did not disable the handler Enhanced Storage Icon Overlay Handler Class from Windows.