Replace Win+E with Win+o


Is there an option to make Dopus open the default lister as if one had used Win+O instead?

Regards Lars

Win+E is the Windows global shortcut for opening This PC (aka My Computer), so it will normally always open that folder. If Opus is in Explorer Replacement mode then Win+E will open the folder in Opus.

If you want Win+E to open a different folder (or the default lister's folders), you can try assigning the Win+E hotkey but it may not work with newer versions of Windows. Windows intercepts that key for itself at a very low level which is hard for other programs to take over.

The easiest thing to do is get used to a different hotkey for opening the window, since Windows pretty much owns Win+E.


Thank you for your answer, can't you somehow at "lister open " impliment "if folder to open is "This Computer" open default lister instead"?

Maybe this should be moved to the feature request section :slight_smile:

Regards Lars

You can prob do this using a custom script, capture the OnOpenLister event, check the path and replace it with what you want.

I did something similar the other day here. It capturing a different event and preforming a different action. So it does not do what you want, but the script would be similarly simple, and might give you an idea of what you are in for.

You can do that with a script, but then you cannot open a new window for that folder when you want to.

It may also confuse Windows, since it sometimes requests a window to be opened for a folder, then waits for a window to appear showing that folder. If you divert it to another folder, the thing that triggered the request may wait for a long time, blocking another program, until it gives up.

Using a different hotkey is what I'd recommend, as it avoids fighting Windows, but you may find you can do what you want using a script, as Wowbagger suggests above.