[REQ]: How to choose group order in custom columns

Hi, I just made some experiments with the new custom columns features, by merging created and modified dates, choosing the most recent of both, and then using to group items. the problem is that I want to order the groups in other way (right now it seems that is ordered alphabetically) Can somebody help me?

// The OnInit function is called by Directory Opus to initialize the script add-in
function OnInit(initData) {

    // Provide basic information about the script by initializing the properties of the ScriptInitData object
    initData.name = "ByDate";
    initData.default_enable = false;

    // Create a new ScriptColumn object and initialize it to add the column to Opus
    var cmd = initData.AddColumn();
    cmd.name = "ByDate";
    cmd.method = "ByDate";
    cmd.label = "Fecha";
    cmd.autogroup = false;       // we provide our own grouping information
	cmd.autorefresh = true;      // auto-refresh column when file changes
    cmd.keyscroll = true;

// Implement the IsModified column (this entry point is an OnScriptColumn event).
// The name of this function must correspond to the value specified for the method property when the column was added in OnInit
function OnByDate(scriptColData) {
    // we don't provide a value for folders since their timestamps don't mean much
    // we set the sort key to 3 so they come last (in case the user is mixing files and folders)
    scriptColData.value = scriptColData.item.create + "|" + scriptColData.item.modify;
    var today = new Date();
    var item_time = new Date(Math.max(scriptColData.item.create, scriptColData.item.modify));

    if (today.getTime() < item_time.getTime()) 
    	scriptColData.group = "Del Futuro!";
        scriptColData.sort = 1;
    // Si son del mismo año
    else if (today.getFullYear() == item_time.getFullYear()) {
    	var group = "Este año";
    	var sort = 5;
    	//Si son del mismo mes
    	if (today.getMonth() == item_time.getMonth()) 
    		sort = 4;
    		group = "Este mes";
    		//Si son de la misma semana
	    	if (today.getDate() - today.getDay() == item_time.getDate() - item_time.getDay())
	    		sort = 3;
	    		group = "Esta semana";
	    		//Si son del mismo dia
		    	if (today.getDay() == item_time.getDay())
		    		sort = 2;
		    		group = "Hoy";
        scriptColData.group = group;
        scriptColData.sort = sort;
    //Si es del año pasado
    else if (today.getFullYear() - 1 == item_time.getFullYear()) {
        scriptColData.group = "El año pasado";
        scriptColData.sort = 6;
    // Es de hace mucho tiempo
    else {
        scriptColData.group = "Hace tiempo";
        scriptColData.sort = 7;

PD: Also I know that the code is very inneficient, anyone who can improve it, I'll be very appreciate.

The group sort order can't currently be controlled, but we will add a way to do it in the next update.

Was it done or is it on the to do list yet?

Done a long time ago. A couple of examples that use it:

I guess this isn't what I am looking for (order the groups in one way and the grouped files in another). Thank you, anyway.

Script columns can define their own sort orders as well, so they could do both at once, if that is what you want.