Resizing column width bug?

Hello, finally solved some problems to post, here are the pics showing the distinct behaviour between DOpus 10 vs. DOpus 9:
When you resize the column widht for the Modification Date, DOpus 9 progressively hides the seconds, hour and finally the date -here are differences between time formatting- year, month and day, as shown in Dopus02.jpg, while DOpus 10 (see Dopus01.jpg) firstly hides the day then the month then the year of date. -Again may be differences because the time zone format, for other countries or date format may hide first the year, then the month, and so on-. This behaviour is clearly indicated by the suspension points showed in the column, at right side in DOpus 9 and at left side in DOpus 10.
As a result of this, when in DOpus 10 you reduce the width for that column, you loose the date of creation/modification for the file/folder, making it harder to identify that item.
Not sure if it is a bug, but I think it is version 9 which has the good way to do this task.
Any suggestions?

The alignment of the date-time columns was indeed changed between versions, as part of improvements to how the date and time parts of the column align with each other. (e.g. If the date format shows month names and one is much wider than the other, the year and time parts will still line up under each other in Opus 10, while they would've been jagged and difficult to compare in Opus 9.)

I agree that truncating the date before the time isn't ideal in most cases. However, I can't think why anyone would want to have a date-time column and not see the whole thing. If you only want to see the date or time portion then there are separate columns which only show those details.

(The width of the date-time columns also increased slightly in Opus 10, as there is a bit more spacing between the date and time parts. As a result, if your config used fixed-size columns, they might need increasing slightly to avoid truncation. Or turn on auto-sizing, of course.)

It's easy. If you need to reduce the whole DOpus window width, you may need to adjust the individual column's width accordingly, and probably need to do so manually. If you have a folder with several files where you do work say, from week to week, you may need to know which of that files are, say, from the last monday. I know DOpus display the file date belonging to the last week by the day name, i.e. monday, tuesday and so on. But before that week, it is the "normal" view of date/timestamp which is showed. If you loose the day of the date, you loose also the reference for you with the file. It is, at my own, clearly better to have the full date/time shown, so this is the "standard" way to display the timestamp, but sometimes (more often than not) I need to narrow the columns to keep all of them displayed.
I agree that, even if I'm using DOpus since the old Amiga days, I haven't grow in DOpus knowledge, and use it in a very "one, two, three" way. Maybe there is a better way to do my job. :unamused:

If you want a column that's not as wide, and want to sacrifice the time part to get that, you could switch to showing the date-only column instead of the date-and-time column. (You could create a button or hotkey which toggles between the two in a single click if that helps.)

There's also a time-only column, so you could have both date-only and time-only columns, then resize (or remove) the time-only one when you need the extra space.

[quote="leo"]You could create a button or hotkey which toggles between the two in a single click if that helps.

There's also a time-only column, so you could have both date-only and time-only columns, then resize (or remove) the time-only one when you need the extra space.[/quote]

Some help with this, please? :blush:

Which one do you want to do? :slight_smile:

A button to change the "date/time" column for the "date only" would be nice, then I could to learn how to apply your instructions to create other similar gadgets.

Many thanks in advance :slight_smile:

This may give you a hint in the right direction:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button backcol="none" display="label" textcol="none" type="three_button"> <label>date / date &amp; time</label> <icon1>#newcommand</icon1> <button backcol="none" display="label" textcol="none"> <label>date only</label> <icon1>#newcommand</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>set columnsadd=createddate(3)</instruction> <instruction>set columnsremove=created(3)</instruction> </function> </button> <button backcol="none" display="label" textcol="none"> <label>date &amp; time</label> <icon1>#newcommand</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>set columnsadd=created(3)</instruction> <instruction>set columnsremove=createddate(3)</instruction> </function> </button> </button>

If you go into customize mode in both commands (LMB & RMB), you can change the columns position, which is now set to
appear in the fourth column (3 plus 1 standard name column) by changing the "3" value.

You can improve that so you only need one button which toggles between the two modes (instead of a button where left-click gives you one thing and right-click the other):

Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=createddate(3) Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=created(3)

Like this button I've used for years which toggles between showing sizes as exact byte counts and as MB/KB/GB/etc.:

Hi Leo,
I will play with this and post the results soon.

Hi Leo,
I've found I really need to rise up my very low knowlegde of DOpus features. Sure your "Introduction to Opus" will help.
Nevertheless, I wonder how the date/time column truncates by the left while most other columns (file name, file type, file size, etc) truncates by the right side when adjusting the column widht by dragging the column separator with the mouse... :open_mouth:
In DOpus version 9 this was not the case.
