Reuse of existing tab from external source


I have configured Dopus to always close other lister and open my saved lister layout.
In the saved lister layout I have a tab with the Downloads folder.
With all listers CLOSED, When I, from my browser, press the "show downloads folder Dopus opens and activates the correct tab, but it opens a second "Downloads" tab

Regards Lars Mortensen

What are your Explorer Replacement settings?

Turn off the bottom checkbox.

If I don't have the bottom checkbox marked, no tabs will open (the c: tab for instance) and there will be no tabs to "reuse".

I want DO to open "as usual" with all tabs opened as pr the layout, and if there is a tab to reuse, it selects that instead of opening a new tab.

My default layout right now is

And when opening Download from a browser I want DO to have the same tabs open, but reuse the already available Downloads tab.

If I have a DO lister open already, it uses the tab as I expect it to.

As of now, my Saved lister and the Default list er is identical, so it should give the same, but as a feature request, it could be nice to be able to configure start behavior and be able to select a saved lister to open instead of default lister (On the page shown in my screenshot).


Is the path in both tabs exactly the same? There are at least a couple of different ways the Downloads folder can be referenced, which aren't the same path (even if they tend to show the same files).

Yes, both paths are the same. And it works if the Lister is open already.