It looks like the two options are mixed up in the preferences. Changing the reveal delay works on the hide delay & vice versa.
Not here. If I set the reveal delay to 1ms, and leave the hide delay at 2000ms, toolbars appear instantly when I moved the mouse to the edge of the screen, and slide away very slowly when I move the mouse away.
Ok, then it must be in the german version only (i rechecked it, a 50ms reveal delay opens the toolbar with about 2000ms which i set to hide the toolbar).
I will report it in the other forum. Thanks.
I found what was causing this, and why you saw it but I didn't. It's backwards for toolbars at the top or left, but not at the bottom or right. In the current beta versions the settings control the up/down speeds not the hide/reveal speeds.
We'll fix that for the next update.
Cool, thanks a lot!