Reverse renaming of files

Is there a script that does a reverse rename of files?

fm: sdrawkcab demaner eb ot emanelif sihT.txt
to: This filename to be renamed backwards.txt


Yes, the Dynamic Renamer does this via the -R transformation:

Thanks MrC!

Yes, I already knew that Dynamic Renamer could do it.

Really sorry to say, but eh ... I have not installed Dynamic Renamer.
The reason for that is that I need to install Perl on top.
(yet again more stuff on my pc - I am trying to minimize the number of applications)

Right now, with the additional and available buttons, scripts, rename presets, bla bla, Opus is fairly well 'equipped', so to say, to cover most of my rename actions. Sometimes I need to find a workaround and if, ultimately, there isn't one, then I may need to rename things manually or simply leave it that way.

Now, I am sure Dynamic Renamer is a handy tool and if it wasn't for Perl, then most probably I would have added it to Opus.


No problem, to each his own.

You can use the Rename dialog with a user script. The following code works for me. Click the Edit button then replace the template code with the code below.

function OnGetNewName(getNewNameData) { var str = getNewNameData.item; var a = str.name_stem.split(""); var a_rev =""; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a_rev = a[i] + a_rev; return a_rev + "." + str.ext; }
Regards, AB

The script is adding an extra . before the extension, since str.ext already includes the dot and it adds another before it. Here's a fix, just removing the extra +"." from the return line:

function OnGetNewName(getNewNameData) { var str = getNewNameData.item; var a = str.name_stem.split(""); var a_rev =""; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a_rev = a[i] + a_rev; return a_rev + str.ext; }

This is really fantastic!!

Both, thank you so much, it's truly appreciated! :thumbsup:
