Right click file context menu - discarding Kaspersky due to warnings of possible cyber attacks

i used to use kaspersky total security but we are now warned i Europe to uninstall this due to possible cyber attacks by Russia forcing kaspersky. So i now use Bitdefender but see that bitdefenders right click file menu only support "scan file" if i use native windows file explorer. I use Opus hence this is not available.

A practical example: i use copersic desktop search if i right clisk a file from there and click "open folder" it opens in Opus (where context menu for bitdefender is not available) - if "open folder" would open to native windows file explorer it would be available..

Is there a setting so that i from an app right click a file and open to windows file explorer instead of gpsoft opus ? If so how to set that ? That would solve the problem above. Or perhaps make it open fold er to windows native file explorer if i right clisk and hold down Alt key - so that i can select either of the 2 open folder options (ie 1. open to windows native file explorer or 2 open to opus)?



At least from DOpus you can directly open a folder in explorer (afaik the button should already be somewhere in your menus)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="both" label_pos="right" textcol="none">
	<label>Op&amp;en in Explorer</label>
	<tip>Opens an Explorer window for the current folder</tip>
	<function type="normal">
		<instruction>&quot;/windows\Explorer.exe&quot; /e, {sourcepath$}</instruction>

On the topic of AV software: i stopped buying (sometimes overpriced) av software, sometimes with hidden auto renewals for 3x the buying price, and just use the windows defender which is actually quite good. Right now i cant find the very detailed article about av software, but there were many aspects: they break ssl encryption, aslr, get payed to flag files as malicious (eg cracked software...), sell the surf behaviour in realtime to other customers, actually use malware functionality to protect from those (eg hooking)... and in general more software offers more attack vectors. have a look on those articles if you're interested :wink:

You can turn off Explorer Replacement to make things open in Explorer, or the tool showing the menu could show the full folder context menu which would include an option to open the folder in Explorer.

Of course, the real issue is that BitDefender intentionally and inexplicably hide their menu in everything except File Explorer. (It’s hidden in Notepad’s File > Open dialog as well, as I remember.)

Norton do the same thing. No idea why. Both companies have ignored repeated complaints and never explained why they’re doing this either.

There should be a command line for their virus scanner which would allow you to make a menu item or toolbar button in Opus which runs it on the selected files. The Opus side is easy, but you’d need to find out what their command line is from their documentation or support.

Alternatively, use a better antivirus like ESET NOD32 which doesn’t hide its menu items.

Hi Felix

thank yuo :slight_smile: that may be a solution, how do i setup this (i dont know what to do with the code in your example)


See the top of the page, Forum Help > How To Use Shared Buttons.

There's also an existing entry which opens the current folder in Explorer, which you can find in Opus's Tools menu by default.

Hi Leo

thank yuo , that may be the best solution regarding the command line:slight_smile:

I dont find any commandline scan parameters or exe files, strangely, if i had (i will write bitdefender supprt) how to create a button with the ability to execute a scan of the file selected in opus ? Could you help me to do that (in detail im not a programmer)?


Best, Nolan

Find out what their command line needs to scan a given file or folder path and we can tell you how to turn that into an Opus button.

Brilliant, thanks i will get back :slight_smile:

Ok seems bitdefender has no commandline - they apparently removed it some years ago "for security reasons" what ever that means.

I wonder, wold it be possible to make a button in opus that when a file is highlighted/selected, pressing the button opens windows file explorer in the folder where the file is located ?


Something like this?

yes that could be it, how to get that option ?



I already sent you the button code in my first answer in case you dont find it in your menu.

Hard to see how triggering a virus scan on a file could be a security issue, especially when they can still do it in other ways.

I would switch to an antivirus that is better written.

ok i see, but how do i make a button of it, as i wrote i have no skille in doing thi. Can you help me explain how to create this, that would be very helpfull ?

EDIT: Sorry that was easier as i expected :slight_smile: I just created a new button and pasted your code into the button - works. Thanks again :slight_smile:

Just a thought, is it possible to make the file selected in the opened file explorer windows ? Because if there are many files i the opened folder, it may take some time to locate the right one

best, nolan

If you have default menus in Opus, which seems probable if you don't know how to customize anything, then all you have to do is cilck Tools in the Opus menu, then click Open in Explorer in the drop down menu that appears. That's what lxp tried to show you.

I dont have defaults menu - its not that i dont know "anything" have used opus for years but its the specific coding i am not so customed with.

Is it possible to make the file selected in the opened file explorer windows ? Because if there are many files i the opened folder, it may take some time to locate the right one

best, nolan

Hi again, anyone on this, help much appreciated?

Is it possible to make the file "selected/highlighted" in the opened file explorer windows ? Because if there are many files i the opened folder, it may take some time to locate the right one

best Nolan

Explorer's command line is documented, so this is easy:

"/windows\Explorer.exe" /select, {filepath$}

But rather than jump through hoops every time you need to use a bad antivirus, why not switch to a good one instead? We have no affiliation with https://www.eset.com/ but they make a product that isn't restricted to only being run via Explorer, and has the option of a command-line interface, and has not caused problems over the years. No reason to give business to a product which fails at such basic functionality.

thanks, i agree regarding choice of antivirus product, but the price is much higher for ESES and i need 10 licenses here in the household.

I just inserted the lines you shared, in the button created - that worked perfect :slight_smile:


A question you can answer to yourself would be: Do you really need for all 10 devices a "total security" solution? Perhaps you can use on some devices simply the MS Defender. :slight_smile:
Only as small thought provoking.