Right click folder popup menu in vista and directory opus 9

I am trying directory opus 9 under vista 64, and all is nice, except one thing. I need to be able to use old windows right click popup menu for files and folders, not the new vista one. I am able to do that if i use some other file managers, but directory opus 9 defaults to the vista one. I am attacking two screenshots to illustrate what I am writing about, because I do not know the exact terminology.

Thank you in advance.

I expect JetAudio only adds a 32-bit context menu shell extension, in which case it will not show-up in 64-bit file managers like the 64-bit versions of Opus and Explorer.

Presumably the other file manager in your screenshots is a 32-bit app.

These posts on the JetAudio support forums seem to back-up my theory:

cowonamerica.com/forums/show ... ght=64-bit

cowonamerica.com/forums/show ... ght=64-bit

Thanks, I suspected as much, but it was worth a try if someone in this awesome forum figured out how to translate those 32bit associations for 32 bit apps so they show in 64 bit menu. I really need play all in a folder option for several 32-bit programs ;/

It's possible in theory but probably a lot of work. The problem is that shell extensions are DLLs and 64-bit apps cannot load 32-bit DLLs.

Your best bet is probably to encourage Cowon to make a 64-bit version of their shell extension. Many shell extensions are tiny DLLs which just send commands to the separate main application so it's often very easy for people to recompile 64-bit versions. (The main app itself doesn't need converting to 64-bit, just the shell extension DLL.) Of course, it can become more complicated if that shell extension DLL also does other things or needs to load parts of the main application, so it isn't always easy.

In the meantime, you can add your own context menu entries to Opus that simply call the jetAudio command line in order to play files/folders in JA...

If you want help, give a shout back with the version of JA you are using and I'll work out the syntax of the command line and test. If you want to make it REAL easy, send the /dopusdata\FileTypes\Directory.oxr file from your system and I will send you back the modified one with an explanation of how to do it so you can use it as a learning example on modifying Opus context menus...

Would these be added to right click menu? That would rock.
It is Jetaudio Plus VX

I found the Directory.oxr in C:\ProgramData\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\FileTypes
I did not do any of what you are describing, so the file is probably default, neither do I know how to do it, but it would be very useful. Here are the file contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xml_registry_redirect hive="HKCR">


go new

go openindual

go newtab

Open in new Folder Tab


go newtab fromsel



Thanks a lot.

And I already know the command to play directory. it is simply "jetaudio driveletter:\moviedirectory"
Houw would I set that in config file? Thanks

Haven't forgotten, just got busy with kids getting sick. I'll install JetAudio into a VM and work up something similar to the context menu tonight using command line args... and explain how it's done (easy).