Roundiness of rounded tabs

MS Edge


Can we have option to have 'floating tabs' a bit like the top SS but without the horizontal line. :slight_smile:

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Tabs in Edge look nothing like that for me.

What are you asking for exactly? Rounded at both the top and bottom, so they're like buttons rather than tabs, that don't join up with the thing above/below them that they control?

If you want to enable that feature, head to edge://flags/#edge-visual-rejuv-rounded-tabs and set the flag to Enabled . Next, enable edge://flags/#edge-rounded-containers. After that, restart Microsoft Edge to apply the changes.

Yes please. Top/Bottom/Left/Right. Rounded on all sides (adjustable roundiness ?). Gaps inbetween (adjustable ?). Right-click - set tab colour option ?
The 'joining' is not really neccessary.