There is this nice script to register the default python exe
It is used to run a python package install file, e.g. PIL in a virtualenv.
I can use it manually by starting a console2 command prompt and switch to the needed virtualenv with the command
workon myenv
Then I run:
Now the script sets the current python executable to the registered python and the install file uses the path of the virtualenv.
I'd like to create a button to do these two steps for me.
I got this far:
cd {sourcepath$}
copy "C:\myscripts\" HERE WHENEXISTS=replacenewer
call workon {sourcepath$|nopath|noterm} # virtualenv name = dir name
Only, it does not work. I get: WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied, because the script tries to change the windows registry.
How do I do this right?