Saving a find lister - multiple folders not stored

Hi guys,

I've tried searching on the forum about this but can't quite find the exact issue I've having.

Basically I create a find lister and add various folders for search ('Find in'). This works nicely and I want to store this as a custom lister. I can do this via Settings->Lister Layouts->Save this lister.

However, I notice that while this saves the lister layout with the find panel displayed, it does not save the actual search paths I set up.

I presume this is normal behaviour but is this something that could be added. I.E. When we save a lister like this everything is stored including search parameters? I could then just go to the lister layouts menu item and get my full configured search panel loaded up and ready to go.

I can kind of see why this might not be desirable as the layout is perhaps separate from the search configuration for a I

Is there a way to get around this. I saw mention to some scripting that would load up the search layout and then populate the search paths. Is this the best way to achieve what I'm looking for?

If the layout is called "Find", use a command like this to open it and populate the list of folders:

Prefs LAYOUT="Find" Find in "C:\My first Path" "D:\My second Path" CLEAR

Thanks Leo. Ah yeah, that was the code snippet I discovered on searching the forum - I will implement that.

So no chance of this being added to the lister layout save function? I imagine it is part of the way Opus is designed in terms of separation?

Correct, layouts don't save the details of how the Find (or other) panels are configured; just whether or not they are on or off.

Ah that does make sense Leo - thanks for that. Shame it has to be scripted instead of visually added and then simply 'saved' but I can work with that.
