Is it possible to save different color formats and file format backgrounds per lister? Or is this accomplished by saving as a theme instead?
You can set a different background image and/or color for each window using folder formats. Most other colors are global to all windows.
I know that part. What I'm asking is how to I save one lister/theme with background and another without?
So no for the colors, that will traverse to all themes/listers. What about folder backgrounds?
The current folder format is saved when you save a layout. (You'll probably want to turn the format lock on as well.)
Hmm, actually this may not work as the background image/color is excluded from the format lock, so while you'll probably be able to save a custom image/color in the layout, you'll probably then lose it when you change folders.
Custom background images/colors are intended to be set for specific directories or types of directories, not for specific windows.
Damn, was hoping I could save one them with background images and another without and with custom colors. Upon saving it keeps both with picture backgrounds. Oh well was worth a try.