This may have come up earlier, but a search in the Help & Support Forum turned up nothing remotely resembling my query, so here goes.
I have been using Directory Opus 8 for some time, but have just started using Version, and the rename scripting is a new and unfamiliar feature to me. I have figured out how to import scripts from .ORP files, such as the Multi-RegExp, but whatever modifications I make to the script does not seem to stick from session to session. I am sure there must be a way to do that, but I haven't managed to find it. Any help would be appreciated.
Click the Add button above the list of Presets and then give what you want to save a name. If you use an existing name you will save over it, in effect updating the previous version.
If you forget to save your changes before running it (very tempting when you just want to press OK and see if your changes work or not!) then there is no need to worry since the special Last Rename "preset" always remembers the previous rename and can be used to recall what you just run in order to save it, or make further changes.
Thanks for the information. Sorry for having posted the question again. I was working pretty late last night and clean forgot I had already posted this question.
As a new user (since yesterday) I think this is quite unintuitive. It would be nice to add a save icon on to the Replace dialog.
(on the positive side, i am quite impressed with dopus compared to the already respectable totalcommander and speedcommander)