Is it possible to save searches? I have several searches that I run many times a day. I would like to have a way to perform these searches via a single button click or some other method. Since dopus is so customizable, I would think this is possible but how? Ideally a toolbar button would be my choice. Any ideas?
You mean in the Find panel/window? If you switch to the Advanced tab you can define your search criteria and then save them to a .flt (Filter) file which can be loaded again for use with Find, Select, Synchronize and other tools.
The easiest way to reuse them is to select a saved filter from the drop-down that you'll see next to the save button.
I do in fact search exactly as you said and I have criteria saved which is great alone but let me explain more.
I am a developer and I may work on several projects a day. Due to dll hell I have to shut the IDE down search for all dll and pdb files and delete them. To do this I right click the folder > search > advanced. I keep the search dialog and the output dialog open all day. I would like to not only save the criteria, but also the location of the search operation as one "macro" type operation preferably with a toolbar button to execute the search and delete. Even if the search dialog kept a history of "favorite searches" just as it keeps the criteria in a dropdown would suffice. This would allow only one search dialog to be open instead of one for every search I perform.
I hope this is a little more clear as to what my question is.
If you want to delete everything that your filter matches then your best bet is to make a button which runs the Delete command, passing the filter via the Filter argument.
I'm not certain (so try this out on some test folders first) but I think if you specify the root folder that you want to delete from as the File argument to the command then you'll have a one-click button that deletes everything matching the filter below the specified folder.
This is what I added as the command to my new button;
cd F:\TestingDelete
When I press the button, it still asks me to choose which filter I want to use. DLL_PDB_MSI_EXE is the name of the filter, what am I doing wrong?
Try this:
Delete FILE="F:\TestingDelete" FILTER=DLL_PDB_MSI_EXE
If that deletes the directory as well, try:
Delete FILE="F:\TestingDelete*" FILTER=DLL_PDB_MSI_EXE
I'm not sure which is correct at the moment.
I tried both of your ideas, but both attempt to delete the directory and everything below it.
Can you post a screenshot of your filter?
Here you go.
Say you have this folder listing:
[code]Date: 2006-09-06 14:29:09
Folder PATH listing for volume BackupMedia
Volume serial number is 00000072 4F69:C680
| Root File 1.nontxt
| Root File 1.notxt
| Root File 1.txt
| Root File 2.nontxt
| Root File 2.notxt
| Root File 2.txt
| Root File 3.nontxt
| Root File 3.notxt
| Root File 3.txt
+---Folder A
| | File A.nontxt
| | File A.notxt
| | File A.txt
| |
| ---Subfolder A
| Subfile A.nontxt
| Subfile A.notxt
| Subfile A.txt
+---Folder B
| | File B.nontxt
| | File B.notxt
| | File B.txt
| |
| ---Subfolder B
| Subfile B.nontxt
| Subfile B.notxt
| Subfile B.txt
---Folder C
| File C.nontxt
| File C.notxt
| File C.txt
---Subfolder C
Subfile C.nontxt
Subfile C.notxt
Subfile C.txt[/code]
To delete all files with an extension of .nontxt or .notxt from this entire tree, use this command:
Delete FILE="N:\Testing\DOpus 8\Delete Filter\*" FILTER="Delete .nontxt .notxt.flt"
Where "Delete .nontxt .notxt.flt" is the filter in the attached screen grab below. Here is a break down of how this filter works:[ul][li] Name Match .*.(nontxt|notxt) - This clause tells the filter to only delete files that meet this RegExp pattern which breaks down into three terms as follows:[ul]
[li] .* = The * means search for any number of the previous character. The . means take any character. So this term looks for a string of any length before the next term below.[/li]
[li] . = The [/b] means to escape the RegExp meaning of the next character, which is a dot . separating the file name term above from the file extension term below.[/li]
[li] b = This term is surrounded by b[/b] so the RegExp inside it is evaluated first, before applying the term to the RegExp pattern. We want to delete files with an extension of nontxt or notxt. The | in the term is the OR clause. This term looks for either file extension.[/li][/ul][/li]
[li] Location Match N:\Testing\DOpus 8\Delete Filter* - This clause tells the filter to only delete files that exist in or under the N:\Testing\DOpus 8\Delete Filter folder. The Location field stores the full path to the file name, but not the actual file name itself.[/li][/ul]