Screen Refresh Problems

Am I the only one who has screen refresh problems? I am trialling and it looks quite good. However, after trying a few things, and putting about 10 tabs on my default lister, I found that I always had to refresh before it would paint the screen properly.

My default pane has about 80 shortcuts (and no folders) in it, but calling the default lister always halted without painting it. At the bottom LH corner it said something like 0/22 folders. I don't know where it got that from.

I've re-installed, and re-built my toolbar, and calling my default lister seems to work better. But I still get screens that fail to paint properly, albeit less frequently than before.

I'm an IT professional with lots of applications on my XP system. This product looks good if it was as robust and reactive as the 'ground-up' statement about the build implies. Unfortunately its not working too well for me at the moment.

Are you using List mode?

I am using list mode for everything. I've now read the FAQ on Folder Formats, and that looks as though it might do the trick on my machine. I'll try it. Thanks

There's a problem in the current version of Opus with opening new listers in List mode. Sometimes the window isn't drawn properly. This will be fixed in the next version.

Thanks, I'll look forward to it.