Script access to multi (/M) command arguments

I created a test script with a template of "bool/s,multi/m". How do I access the strings passed to multi? My guess was an array but that does not seem to be the case. Test code and output is appended.

Regards, AB

[code]function OnInit(d){ = "$qnd";
d.desc = "JavaScript testbed.";
d.copyright = "aussieboykie";
d.version = "1.0";
d.default_enable = true;

var cmd = d.AddCommand(); =;
cmd.method =;
cmd.desc = d.desc;
cmd.label =;
cmd.template = "bool/s,multi/m";

function $qnd(d){
// Output the supplied command line
DOpus.output("cmdline = " + d.cmdline);

var bool = (d.func.args.got_arg.bool)?true:false;
DOpus.output("bool = " + bool);
var multi = (d.func.args.got_arg.multi)?d.func.args.multi:"";
DOpus.output("d.func.args.got_arg.multi = " + d.func.args.got_arg.multi);
DOpus.output("multi.length = " + multi.length);
for (i = 0; i < multi.length; i++){
	DOpus.output("typeof multi[" + i +"] = " + typeof multi[i]);
	DOpus.output("multi[" + i + "] = " + multi[i]);

Test command is:

$qnd one two bool

Test command output:

$qnd: Script started successfully
$qnd: cmdline = $qnd one two bool
$qnd: bool = true
$qnd: d.func.args.got_arg.multi = true
$qnd: multi.length = 2
$qnd: typeof multi[0] = undefined
$qnd: multi[0] = undefined
$qnd: typeof multi[1] = undefined
$qnd: multi[1] = undefined
$qnd: Script completed

I found the answer in the Script documentation in the help file.

If an argument is marked in the template as /M (multiple) then it returns a Vector containing elements of the appropriate type.

Regards, AB