Script Add Column for padding


Is it possible by using a script to add a column with X (white spaces) characters long. I would like to use this column to push the last column (the right most one) by X characters. The blank characters should/could be spaces because I use the "Auto size Columns" in folder options.


Empty_Space_Column.vbs.txt (574 Bytes)

Change the Space(50) line near the end to change how many spaces there are.

[code]option explicit

Function OnInit(initData) = "Empty Space Column"
initData.desc = "Adds a column with empty space."
initData.copyright = ""
initData.version = "1.0"
initData.default_enable = true

Dim col

Set col = initData.AddColumn = "EmptySpace"
col.method = "OnEmptySpace"
col.label = "Empty Space"
col.header = " "
col.justify = "left"
col.autogroup = true

End Function

Function OnEmptySpace(scriptColData)
If (scriptColData.col = "EmptySpace") Then
scriptColData.value = Space(50)
End If
End Function[/code]

Thank you very much Leo for your help