Script for select files in new beta

As in the photo, I use to be able to run this script for Beyond Compare.

"C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 4\BCompare.exe" {leftpath}{file} {rightpath}{file}

However both left and right path variables select the same file in Beta 13, is there another way I should be writing this now?


try this smart script for BC

Thanks for the reply, Fkast, I gave that ago and followed the instructions, however when I try add the command to the toolbar, it appears as an invisible menu instead and unable to interact with it.

Ill play around with a bit more, but to confirm you got it working with Beta 13?

That would only work when the filenames on both sides are the same. Opus 12 and 13 should be the same here.

It's passing {file} as the name for both sides, which is the selected source file name. Nothing there refers to the destination file's name.

You could do it like this, if you want to ensure the left/right sides stay consistent:

@if:Set SOURCE=Left
"C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 4\BCompare.exe" {filepath$} {filepathdest$}
"C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 4\BCompare.exe" {filepathdest$} {filepath$}

I still use my version of that script all the time, and that definitely still works. The original version should still work as well.

Thanks Leo, the above script worked, however both yours and the original Smart front end for BC does not. Just adds as a blank menu item, which when I right click on it brings this up.

What are you doing that creates the menu? Just adding the scripts to Opus shouldn’t do that.

Try this simplified Beyond Compare front end. Relies on Beyond Compare being installed in the default location /programfiles\Beyond Compare 4\BCompare.exe

BC.dcf (4.1 KB)

Drag the button to a toolbar in Customize mode.

Hi Leo,

The menu is created when trying to add the button, I have used aussieboykies updated button and it works perfectly. Thanks

When trying to add the button via which steps?

Hi Leo,

Was from going into customize mode and dragging the button from command tab / script commands area.

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Thanks! I've reproduced that. We'll get it fixed.

Great news, thanks.